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Looking back to important photographers of the past to find inspiration for today.

We look back to the amazing photos for Richard Avedon ( to find inspiration in the studio for this fashion shoot. If you are not familiar with Avedon, he lived from 1923 to 2004 and ran a successful commercial studio, that produced work that falls between “art” and “commercial” photography. His brand-defining work and long associations with Calvin Klein, Revlon, Versace, and dozens of other companies resulted in some of the best-known advertising campaigns in American history. In the 60's his photos brought the model Twiggy to life, really capturing her unique look. There are many iconic photos that I am sure you will recognize. I have some fun having the spirit of Avedon with me on this fashion shot which focuses on the poke-a-dot pattern.

Modern fashion with historic spin.

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