To my surprise, I filled the shopping cart.
I recently went out to a grocery store to gather up some of the brands that I played some part in creating or developing. A flood of memories began as I pushed my grocery cart through the aisles. I bought one of each of the brands that I had something to do with that were in that store at that moment and to my surprise it filled my shopping cart and I was only scratching the surface.
Ultra Tide really stands out in my mind as it was the first one that was a big deal with confidentially that I worked on. As we were creating the new brand, it was all very hush hush, we were asked to only call it project M. All the written documents and emails only said Project M. It was top security. That was a long time ago and there have been many, many projects after this one that also required this level of security, really I treat every project with much respect. We are an advertising agency, we know that we need to keep a tight upper lip during all stages of branding development. There are many ramifications if the competitor were to know what you are working on. We will sign a confidentially agreement if you need, but you can trust us as this is how we roll.